Penguins for sale?

Information for Retailers

If you are interested in selling my cards, mugs, or prints in your shop, please email Kirsten for wholesale prices and details of designs available. Brochure available.


I have my own shop on Etsy! :D Click on 'shop' above to be taken to the Penguin Parade shop. Currently there are digital prints, cards and mugs for sale.


Currently you can purchase 'Penguin Parade' items in the following places:

Greeting cards
Etsy: Penguin Parade Shop (online)
The Cats Miaou ( - Edinburgh
Sunshine No. 1 ( - Glasgow
Maisie & Mac ( - Cupar

Etsy: Penguin Parade Shop

Related products/Aspen books
Project Ability, Glasgow (online shop:


Project Ability:
Etsy: Penguin Parade Shop: 

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