Vera McLuckie and the Daydream Club

Vera McLuckie and the Daydream Club is a children's book, which I illustrated :) It not only features autistic/neurodiverse characters, but also several penguins! Plus it has been published in the (free) 'Dyslexie' font, which is specially designed to make reading easier for those with dyslexia.

For more information, check out the publisher's website - Your Stories Matter.

NAS National Art Competition

I was one of the two runners up in the NAS National Art Competition this year! I won a trophy, framed certificate and £50 Cass Art voucher :) 

You can purchase a copy of the 'Where's Penguin Wally' print I entered on my Etsy shop, here:

Information for Retailers

If you are interested in selling my cards, mugs, or prints in your shop, please email Kirsten for wholesale prices and details of designs available. Brochure available.

Free autism awareness training

Last year the autism awareness e-learning course I helped create for my local council was made available to the general public for free :) 

It is available for anyone to access, so please share it with your friends, family and professionals! I did all the illustrations, and the course is based around my character, Aspen. There's a little bit about me at the end of the course. 

To access the course go to the West of Scotland Learning Network, here: 

Link for copying:
(p.s. sorry, but since it was created for the rubbish council computers it's not compatible with mobile devices/tablets)

Facebook Page

In case you haven't seen the link on my Etsy shop, I now have a Facebook page - Penguin Parade UK.

Click here to go to my page: